Custody Detention Scrutiny Panels

The Derbyshire Custody Detention Scrutiny Panel (CDSP) is made up of a group of local people who reside across the County, to represent local communities in conversations with police officers and staff involved in the detention and custody environments.

The CDSPs will be given unprecedented access to material retained by the police to scrutinise a range of different custody areas like, policies and procedures, use of force and disproportionality. The scrutiny will be objective and independent, focusing on police and detainee behaviour in the context of legislation, guidance, policy, and procedure. The CDSPs will produce regular reports detailing the findings from the scrutiny they undertake, that will be made available to the wider public to help improve trust and confidence in policing in local communities.

What will Custody Detention Scrutiny Panels do?

The objectives of the CDSP’s are to independently:

  • Assess and report on detention and custody processes.
  • Examine and challenge disproportionality in police custody in their application of police powers.
  • Ensure partnership review and scrutiny of police detention procedures from start to finish, including appropriate use of custody data.
  • Consider wider issues where the Panel feels it could add value e.g., issues of safety and dignity.
  • Make observations and recommendations to Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) and Chief Officers.
  • Report back to the wider policing area in the form of a public facing annual report covering the findings of the CDSP in the preceding year to help build trust and confidence in policing.

It is intended that the introduction of scrutiny in the custody setting will help build trust and confidence in policing in the local communities, especially ethnic minority communities. Which will help to dispel myths surrounding police custody environments in general, and will reassure the public and other interested parties, that independent scrutiny is being undertaken in a transparent and honest way, and any identified concerns are being dealt with in a timely and proportionate manner.


The topics in which the panel will scrutinise, and review at the CDSP’s include, but are not limited to:

  • Strip Searches.
  • Remand Profiles (as opposed to bail).
  • Use of Force.
  • Dignity and Respect.
  • Length of Detention.
  • Access to Services (e.g. language service provisions, CANW (AA), HCP, Drugs Misuse etc).
  • Mental Health
  • Use of Anti-rip Suites/Clothing.
  • Custody Policies and Procedures.
  • Other topics at the request of the Panel.

How do I apply to be a Panel Member?

All volunteers will need to pass police vetting before they commence in the role of a volunteer. Derbyshire Police will carry out the police vetting checks as part of the application process.

Please Note: We are not currently recruiting for CDSP volunteers at this time.

Notes from the Panel Meetings

Meeting DateMinutesAction Log
8 October 2024View the Minutes hereView the Action Log here

PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of legally required data and historic financial records, the majority of the information on the Derbyshire OPCC website covers information, news and events for the current Commissioner only. For access to news articles and information covering the previous Commissioners please contact the OPCC team.
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