Finance and Grants

Finance and grants information of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Budget and Precept Information

Budget and Precept Information

Budget and Precept Information  Information concerning the policing budget for Derbyshire and the Commissioner’s budget can be found on this page. Additionally, information related to the...

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As elected representatives for the public, PCCs are provided with a protected budget to commission services and projects in their areas that help to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour, reduce...

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Asset Management Strategy : The Asset Management Strategy 2021-2036 provides a long term plan for future development and co-location opportunities of the police estates across Derbyshire. OPCC...

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Reserves & Investment Strategy

Reserves & Investment Strategy

Reserves Reserves play an important part in any sound financial strategy.  They assist the Commissioner and Chief Constable to manage the budget in the short/medium term but also to invest in...

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Statement of Accounts

Statement of Accounts

2023/2024 Notice of Public Inspection of Accounts Chief Constable Statement of Accounts 2023/24 (Draft) PCC and Group Statement of Accounts 2023/24 (Draft) 2022/2023 Notice of Public Inspection of...

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Finance Archive

Finance Archive

This is a historic archive of Derbyshire OPPC financial information. For the more recent years please see the main finance page. Statement of Accounts 2017/2018 Notice of Audit of Accounts...

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Chief Operating Officer Expenses

Chief Operating Officer Expenses

Please note that all expenses need to be claimed retrospectively,  authorised for approval, submitted for payment and finally verified that the payment is in line with the claim before...

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Police and Crime Commissioner Expenses

Police and Crime Commissioner Expenses

Please note that all expenses need to be claimed retrospectively,  authorised for approval, submitted for payment and finally verified that the payment is in line with the claim before uploading to...

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Items of expenditure exceeding £500

Items of expenditure exceeding £500

We are committed to delivering an open and transparent service and it is our intention to publish information each month that the public have an interest in viewing. However, as we are also...

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Derbyshire police
Crime Stoppers - Speak up. Stay Safe.
Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Action Fraud - National Fraud and Cyber-crime Reporting Centre - 0300 123 2040
Derby City Council
Derbyshire County Council
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