Public Information
Useful information about the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Commissioner’s Publication Scheme
The Commissioner’s publication scheme lists information that is publicly accessible. It details information we must make routinely available.
Derbyshire Rural Crime Prevention Hub
Derbyshire’s Rural Crime Prevention Hub provides a central location to help rural residents access proactive rural crime prevention guidance and advice. It also enables those who find themselves a...
Derbyshire Rural Safety & Crime Prevention Guide
Safety advice for people living and working in Derbyshire's rural communities. View the guide here
Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy
The Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy, which has been signed by all the key partners in Derby City and Derbyshire who work to prevent this type of violence, provides a Derbyshire-centric...
The Joint, Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee Meetings
The statutory Financial Management Code of Practice (FMCP) requires that an Audit Committee is established which is independent of both the Police Force and the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)....
Public Assurance Meetings
The Public Assurance Meetings (PAM) are set up to enable the Police and Crime Commissioner to hold the Chief Constable to account on priorities within the Police and Crime Plan. Upcoming meeting...
Police and Crime Panel (PCP)
The Commissioner's work is assessed, supported and challenged by the Police and Crime Panel (PCP). This is to make sure that the public has the information they need to consider or challenge...