Commissioner’s Publication Scheme

The Publication Scheme lists information that is already published and publicly available. It details information we must make routinely available under the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011, the Specified Information (Amendment) Order 2021 and the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

It is intended that we supply as much information about the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner’s role as possible on this website. If, however, you cannot find what you are looking for please let us know by emailing us or calling 0300 122 6000. You can also visit the Contact Us page to submit an online form.

In order to comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Specified Information Order 2011 and the Specified Information (Amendment) Order 2021, we will routinely publish a range of information on this website relating to decisions, registers, and other matters of public interest.

Lists and Registers

1.Who are we & what we doOrganisational information, structures, locations & contacts.
The names of each relevant office holder – Defined as Police and Crime Commissioner (Commissioner) and the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (Deputy Commissioner). 
This information can be found on the Police and Crime Commissioner and Executive Team page on our website.
The job title, responsibilities and salary of each senior employee and the name of the senior employee* (*senior employee applies to any person earning over £58,200).
This information can be found on the OPCC Structure Chart page on our website.
An organisational chart showing the structure of the staff.
This information can be found on the OPCC Structure Chart page on our website.
The number of members of OPCC staff.
This information can be found on the OPCC Structure Chart page on our website.
The proportion of staff who:i)   Are women  ii) Are, to the knowledge of the Commissioner, members of an ethnic minority  iii) Have, to the knowledge of the Commissioner, a disability (within the meaning of Section 6 of the Equality Act 2010 (a).
This information can be found on the OPCC Structure Chart page on our website.
Salary bands of OPCC staff.
This information can be found on the OPCC Structure Chart page on our website.
The number of complaints or conduct matters that have been brought to the attention of the Commissioner by the Police and Crime Panel (either because they have been referred to the Commissioner, or because they are being subjected to informal resolution by the panel).
One received October 2016 – Outcome not upheld
One received January 2017 – Outcome not upheld
One received October 2017 – Outcome not upheld
One received April 2018 – Outcome not upheld
0 received in 2019 – 2020
One received March 2021 – Outcome not upheld
One received April 2021 – Outcome not upheld
Arrangements regarding use of staff of chief officer of police.
This information can be found at the bottom of the OPCC structure page on our website.
The identity of any premises or land owned by, or occupied for the purpose of the Commissioner. 
This information is included on the Assets page.
 2.What we spend & how we spend itFinancial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure and financial audit.
The total budget of the Commissioner.
See Budget and Precept information page.
The draft precept and precept issued by the Commissioner.
See Budget and Precept information page.
Information as to each anticipated source of revenue of the Commissioner (other than, in the case of a Commissioner).
See the Statement of Accounts page.
Information as to the proposed expenditure of the Commissioner.
See Budget and Precept information page.
A copy of the annual investment strategy of the Commissioner.
See the Reserves and Investment Strategy page.
Information as to each crime and disorder reduction grant made by the Commissioner, including the conditions (if any) attached to the grant, the recipient of the grant, the purpose of the grant and the reasons why the Commissioner considered that the grant would secure, or contribute to securing, crime and disorder reduction in the Commissioner’s area.
See the Grants information page.
Information as to each item of expenditure of
:i)    The Commissioner or
ii)   The Chief Officer of the police force maintained by the Commissioner, exceeding £500 (other than a crime and disorder reduction grant made by the Commissioner),  including the recipient of the funds, the purpose of the expenditure and the reasons why the Commissioner or the Chief Officer considered that good value for money would be obtained.
See information on the Items of Expenditure exceeding £500  page.
h)DERBYSHIRE CONSTABULARY CONTRACTS REGISTER See information on the Contracts and Tenders page.
A copy of each invitation to tender issued by:
i)    the Commissioner, or
ii)   the Chief Officer of the police force maintained by the Commissioner, in relation to a contract which the Commissioner or Chief Officer expects will have a value exceeding £10,000.
The Derbyshire Constabulary publish this, please see the Contracts and Tenders page.
The allowances paid to each relevant office holder in respect of expenses incurred by the office holder in the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions.
See the Expenses, Allowances, Register of Interests, Gifts & Hospitality, Ethical Framework page.
The salary of each relevant office holder who earns over £58,200 including names, job description & responsibilities.
See The Police and Crime Commissioner and Executive Team page.
Audited accounts, auditors comments, annual accounting statement and audit reports.
See the Statement of Accounts page.
 3.What our priorities are & how we are doing Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews.
The Police and Crime Plan.
This information is on the Police and Crime Plan section of our website.
The Annual Report.
 This information is on the PCC Annual Report section of our website.
A copy of each collaboration agreement, or the fact that an agreement has been made.
 This information is on the Collaboration Agreements section of our website.
 4.How we make decisions Decision making processes & records of decisions.
The date, time and place of each public meeting to be held by the local policing Commissioner.
This information about Commissioner meetings on behalf of the public and open to be viewed by the public is on the Performance Scrutiny Meetings page.
A copy of the agenda for each public meeting held by the Commissioner and any report or other document that is the subject matter of an item on the agenda.
All Performance Scrutiny Meetings contain the relevant information and available in each meeting page available on the Performance Scrutiny Meetings page.
A copy of the minutes of each public meeting held by the Commissioner, and of each meeting which is not a public meeting but at which there are matters of significant public interest.
Recordings of each Performance Scrutiny Meetings is available on the Performance Scrutiny Meetings page.
A record of each decision of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions, whether made by the Commissioner or as a result of a meeting or otherwise. 
The latest information is on the Decisions taken by the Commissioner page and the archive link found within.
 5.Our policies & ProceduresCurrent written policies, procedures for delivering services and responsibilities.
A statement of the policy of the Commissioner in relation to the conduct of relevant office holders, including procedures for the handling of qualifying complaints and conduct matters (within the meaning of Section 31 of the 2011 Act).
The Staff Code of Conduct, the Meetings Protocol and the PCC Staff Disciplinary Procedure can be found in our Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.
A statement of the policy of the Commissioner in relation to the making of decisions of significant public interest arising from the exercise of the Commissioner’s functions.
The Meetings Protocol can be found in our Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.
A statement of policy of the Commissioner in relation to records management, including procedures for the security and sharing of information and the retention and destruction of documents.
The Retention Policy can be found in our Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.
A statement of the policy of the Commissioner in relation to the handling of qualifying disclosures (within the meaning of Section 43B of the Employment Rights Act 1996(a).

Statement of the Police & Crime Commissioner.

Statutory provisions relating to the disclosure of information by employees (known as whistleblowing) to expose malpractice, criminal offences etc within an organisation apply to police officers, police staff and the staff of the police and crime commissioner.

Individuals are protected from action by their employer (for example victimisation or dismissal) in respect of disclosures falling with categories set out in section 43B of the  Employment Act 1996.

These statutory provisions are reflected in the policies that apply to staff of  Derbyshire  Police and the Police and Crime  Commissioner and which set out the mechanisms available for confidential reporting and actions to be taken.
Section 43B of the Employment
Rights Act 1996 Qualifying Disclosures
The Whistle Blowing Policy can be found in our Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.

The OPCC’s Staff Complaints Policy.
The Complaints Policy can be found in our Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.
Information about the operation of the ICV scheme including the process and policies of the scheme.
See Independent Custody Visiting Volunteer Scheme page.
Information about Freedom of Information and Data Protection including process and policies.
This information can be found in the Freedom of Information and Data Protection page.
Numbers of staff employed by the OPCC and diversity data.
 This information is on the OPCC Structure Chart page.
All OPCC policies.
Policy information can be found on the Policies, Procedures and Guidance Documents page.
6. Lists & registers  
A register of each offer of a gift or hospitality made to a relevant office holder or member of staff, including whether the offer was accepted or refused. 
See the Breakdown of Registration of Interest, Hospitality and Gifts page.
A register of interests that might conflict with the role of the PCC and Deputy PCC, including every other pecuniary interest or paid positions that they hold.
The register of interests can be found on the Expenses, Allowances, Register of Interests, Gifts & Hospitality, Ethical Framework page.
A list of the FOI requests received by the OPCC
This information can be found on the Freedom of Information Disclosure log page.
7.Updates to the Specified Information Order 2021 
a)National priorities for policing
Information about Derbyshire’s performance against the national priority measures outlined in the Government’s Beating Crime Plan can be found within HMICFRS’s Digital Crime and Performance Pack
Digital Crime and Performance Pack – His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (
b)HMICFRS Reporting/PEEL Inspection Reports
Since 2018 HMICFRS has issued a single report to forces, PCCs and the public with gradings for force performance in those areas inspected. These integrated PEEL inspection reports are published on the HMICFRS website. The Specified Information Order requires PCCs to publish the most recent HMICFRS force-level report on the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the police force.
In 2020/21, HMICFRS published a new police inspection programme and framework. As part of this, they have moved to a two-year inspection and reporting cycle and will publish new PEEL force performance reports between late summer 2021 and end March 2023 however, the previous Peel reports for Derbyshire Constabulary are detailed in the relevant links.
 Peel report 19/20 – report 18/19 –
c)Complaint Handling
The Specified Information Order requires PCCs to publish the most recent Independent Office of Police Complaints (IOPC) quarterly complaints data for their force and the IOPC annual statistics report, alongside an annual report on complaints setting out how the PCC is holding the chief officer to account and the PCC’s assessment of their own performance in carrying out their other complaints-handling functions.
 Quarterly IOPC Derbyshire Complaints Reports2020 – – Annual IOPC Derbyshire Constabulary Complaint Reports2021 – PCC’s Annual Report on complaints2020/21 – PCC’s Annual Report on Complaints
d)Complaint Reviews
Since February 2020 Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) have taken on responsibility for handling requests for a complaint review from complainants who were dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint made against the police. This function used to be the responsibility of Derbyshire Constabulary, who would have been the appeal body for such requests. This change in responsibility was encompassed in the Police and Crime Act 2017. The Act provides for PCC’s to be the review body for reviews previously heard by the Chief Constable for complaints against the police dealt with by way of ‘local resolution’. Local resolution means dealing with complaints at a local level. For more serious complaints the Independent Office for Police conduct (IOPC) remains the relevant review body and they continue to provide oversight of the complaints system as a whole. 

Complaint Review Model
The PCC’s role is to review the complaint outcome to ensure that the quality of the service received from the Constabulary was sufficient and that the actions taken by the Constabulary were reasonable and proportionate in the circumstances of the case. As the OPCC is a separate organisation to the Constabulary, the PCC’s oversight of complaints gives a certain level of integrity and impartiality to the complaint review process.  

This change in responsibility meant that all PCC’s were required to choose which level/Model of complaint review function they wanted to adopt. 

The Derbyshire PCC adopted Model 1 for reviewing complaints, which means that the PCC will take on responsibility for reviews of police complaints (previously known as appeals) where the previous appeal body would have been Derbyshire Constabulary itself.

Model 1 – requires PCCs to review complaints cases if requested from the public to consider whether the Constabulary took proportionate action, and then contact the complainant with the outcome. Where the PCC feels that either the complaint was not handled correctly, or the outcome was not appropriate, the PCC is able to give recommendations, individual officer/organisational learning and feedback back to the Head of PSD and the Chief Constable to consider and take action as they deem appropriate. However, it is important to note that the PCC has no power to direct that remedial action take place, as the Chief Constable retains operational control. 

Complaint Review Quality Assurance Mechanisms
All complaint review work is undertaken by the OPCC’s Head of Compliance under delegated authority by the PCC, with the PCC signing off the final complaint review determination. Each complaint review is discussed in detail with the PCC to ensure the all determinations made are sound in rationale and are in line with the requirements of the complaint legislation and the IOPC’s statutory guidance which ensures quality, integrity and impartiality.

The OPCC’s Head of Compliance attends all relevant IOPC training and keeps up to date with all appropriate complaint legislation and regulations.

Once the PCC has signed off the completed complaint review report, each complainant is sent a copy of the report to understand the determinations made by the Commissioner and the context behind the decisions taken. The complaint review process is then deemed completed and closed accordingly. Any recommendations, Learning  or feedback identified during the complaint review will be passed back to the Constabulary to make a determination as to what action to take and the Commissioner will ask for the Constabulary to confirm what actions have been taken. Therefore, if the complainant is dissatisfied at the determinations made by the Commissioner in the complaint review report,  they do have a right of recourse through the courts under the judicial review process. 

The timeliness of complaint reviews

April 2020 – April 2021 – the average time that a complaint review took to be completed (from initial request of right through to the complainant receiving the final determination made by the Commissioner) was – 38 working days. 
Complaints policy and procedures are managed through the Reviews and Complaints page.
PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of legally required data and historic financial records, the majority of the information on the Derbyshire OPCC website covers information, news and events for the current Commissioner only. For access to news articles and information covering the previous Commissioners please contact the OPCC team.
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