Performance Scrutiny Meeting focusing on Neighbourhood Crime and ASB (17 May 2022)

One of the key roles as Police and Crime Commissioner is to hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf of the public, and make sure that Derbyshire Constabulary deliver on the key strategic priorities included in the Police and Crime Plan 2021/2025.

The Performance Scrutiny Meetings are just one of the ways that the Chief Constable is held to account. It is an opportunity for the force to provide extensive evidence on their performance and plans for improvements where necessary on the key priorities. It is also an opportunity for the public to send in specific additional questions.

Below are the questions that were submitted, alongside the response to those questions from the Chief Constable.

The Agenda and Papers and Presentation submitted at the meeting are available to view.

Public Questions Submitted

Police Presence

Overview of Constabulary’s work in these areas

There has been a great deal of excellent work this past year to fight crime, bring offenders to justice and protect the vulnerable. We have focused efforts on improving how we engage with the public and have set expectations on how our staff recognise the importance of communication and engagement to improve public confidence.

Communication, visibility and engagement activity require many different approaches to be effective, and we are utilising a range of these, including social media and engagement with key stakeholders as part of this. The force has increased Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) numbers over the past few years, a position we are committed to maintain, as community policing is at the heart of what we do.

We recognise and value the work our SNTs do to improve public confidence, provide vital visibility, undertake a problem-solving approach and help make our communities feel safe.

The force has welcomed the increase in officers thanks to the National Uplift Programme and intends to increase its number of Special Constables who provide vital support to the frontline, contributing to our visible presence and local policing.

Each Local Policing area is separated into Safer Neighbourhood Teams which consist of Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers and Neighbourhood Investigation Officers. Each SNT has responsibility for their local area and is committed to providing a highly visible and effective response to the individual communities they serve

All officers and staff have received problem solving training to ensure that we adopt an intelligent and effective response to issues caused by ASB. Furthermore, this allows better understanding and identification of what and where ASB issues are, alongside addressing the root causes.

Crime and ASB is reviewed daily to identify threat, risk and vulnerability to ensure that our resources are aligned to where they are needed the most. The daily reviews are supported by ownership from Local Policing Inspectors who review weekly ASB data, identify trends and hold fortnightly meetings with partners to ensure that ASB hotspots are identified and an appropriate response is provided.

Our Teams utilise a number of response methods, often with PCSO’s out on foot patrol, using bikes or public transport. Of course, geography, demand and risk and threat determine that our response officers need to be able to respond quickly to incidents and therefore will often need to use vehicles as their primary mode of transport.

Q1. I have suffered 3 separate acts of vandalism to my home during the past week. I assume this is because local children are on holiday from school. I know that other people in my street have also had problems and my question is why have I never seen a police patrol in the area on foot? I haven’t seen officers or a PCSO at all. I appreciate low staffing levels in the force but this doesn’t help me.

Constabulary’s response –

It is difficult to comment on this case without further details regarding the location of the offences. 

Each SNT’s Facebook page details where they have been patrolling, this focuses on locations where a visible presence is most required and where issues have been reported.

Along with dedicated local patrols and providing visibility within our communities, the SNT work closely in partnership with a number of other agencies across Derbyshire. This includes work in schools to provide vital education on matters ranging from personal safety and online safety to promoting the positive work the police carry out.

Furthermore, the local SNT’s attend some Parish Council meetings, engage on a number of digital platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, along with utilising Derbyshire Alert to ensure that members of the community can keep up to date with issues occurring within their local area.

Q2. I’ve never seen a police officer walking on the beat in long eaton for years
Just now and again would be a great opportunity for the public too actually see a police officer
Instead of seeing them drive past in a car

Constabulary’s Response –

The relocation of the SNT to the Joint Police/ Fire Building means they are located in the middle of Long Eaton where they regularly undertake foot patrols particularly in the town centre. Their foot patrols are directed to areas of high footfall to maximise engagement opportunities as well as our hotspot areas where a uniform presence is required for a policing purpose. What we do, is focus on areas of risk and threat, in Long Eaton the police work alongside other agencies to deliver multi-agency problem solving policing.

PCSOs do need to use cars to travel to rural beats, although we have recently re-established the use of buses as accepted practice to travel which increases visibility.

The team in Long Eaton recently won the Derbyshire Police ‘Problem solving award’ for an ASB problem management plan in Sandiacre. we would encourage residents in response to ASB to ensure that issues are reported to the police either using 101/999, on any of our digital reporting platforms or by attending one of our frequent engagement events.

Q3. What measures are the local police in Dronfield to provide an effective and visual presence in the antisocial behaviour hotspots? These problem areas have been widely reported to the police and Dronfield Town Council and to date any steps taken do not appear to be successful.

Constabulary’s response –

Our officers in Dronfield are working in partnership with the Local Authority and Community Safety Partnership to tackle ASB in the area. They have recently investigated reports of racist graffiti in the area where an adult suspect has been identified and has been arrested. They are also working with housing providers to take tenancy enforcement in cases where it is appropriate and using problem management plans to tackle persistent problem areas or people.

Dronfield has a dedicated youth engagement team who work with schools to highlight the consequences of ASB.

Gorsley Brigg School – Vandalism happened during the Easter break.  During February, in the high winds, their fence blew down and a temporary fence was erected giving easier access to the school grounds.

Unknown persons came onto the school playing field and had a picnic leaving alcohol tins & bottles on the playing field.  They also smashed some bottles and more concerningly placed glass inside the potato sacks next to the vegetable patch and also in the soil.   A few plants were uprooted.

Their gardening club volunteer had cleaned it all up prior to school returning and replanted so as there was no damage, the Headteacher thought it wasn’t worth reporting to the police. 

The school have been given advice should this happen in the future.

Q4. The PCC has previously reported that the budget for police officer numbers has been increased.  Why has the number of officers engaged in neighbourhood policing in Derby reduced?  The reduction has been reported to Neighbourhood Board meetings by police representatives but there is no background explanation for the situation.

Constabulary’s response –

We have experienced some changes in numbers of PCSOs across Derbyshire due to some PCSO’s becoming regular police officers due to the national recruitment drive. We currently have a number of PCSO’s who are in training with the Force along with additional intakes planned for the rest of the year.

Where staffing issues have meant that we could not respond in the normal way to a community problem we have used shift changes, overtime, LPU staff and working with partners such as the City Council Public Protection Officers to ensure that the problems have a dedicated policing response.

Q5. Has the level of policing increased in Heanor and Langley Mill in view of the dispersal order.  Local police are aware of the culprits so is it possible to hold the parents responsible for their children’s behaviour?

Constabulary response –

As far as staffing is concerned, we currently have PC’s, PCSO’s and a PCSO supervisor based at Heanor. In addition to this the Youth Engagement Team (YET) are based at Heanor and the 2 PCSO’s on the YET have been assisting the SNT and patrolling the Heanor and Langley Mill area, supporting the SNT in dealing with the ASB within the area.

Those identified as being involved in ASB have received ASB letters, the more persistent young people committing ASB have been put on Acceptable Behavioural Contracts (ABC’s) and evidence is being collected to pursue civil injunctions for the main ringleaders of the group.

With regards to holding the parents responsible for young peoples behaviour, this is something to revisit if ABC’s are breached.  Public Protection Notices (PPN’s) have been completed for the young people where appropriate to ensure they are safeguarded and receive the support they need, in some cases this will address some of the parenting concerns.

Q6. There is a lot of drug dealing in and around Clay Lane Clay Cross, Chesterfield, It would be nice if there could be more policing in the area to combat this. In the last couple of years another family have moved into the area and are up to the same thing, I have witnessed them passing items into cars that are parking up and waiting for it to be passed to them and in broad daylight. They also use the car park on Appian Way Clay Cross when in darkness to take their drugs. More lighting and CCTV cameras would all be of help. Also stealing of property has increased in the area of Clay Lane Clay Cross.

Constabulary’s response –

Officers will proactively act on information relating to drug use, only last week a drugs warrant was executed at a property in Clay Cross and drugs recovered. We would encourage residents to report these matters including dates, times, vehicle registrations or addresses as they occur. The SNT will proactively patrol in the areas where suspicious activity has been reported. The Local Authority are responsible for installing and maintaining CCTV systems and any requests regarding CCTV should be directed to them for consideration.

Q7. My opinion on the current state of Neighbourhood Crime & ASB is that it has gradually become something that is no longer seen as a priority to the UK police forces.
The reason is obvious, it is down to the removal of the genuinely involved local “bobby” which most large villages used to have.
This is clearly all down to cost saving, so just how will this be resolved and when will we see the return of locally based officers in our villages?

Constabulary’s response –


Q8. When are we going to see Police Officers back patrolling our streets and having the powers that they used to have.
Also when are Police Stations going to be opened up to allow people to go in to report incidents etc. rather to have to stand outside in the wind and rain using a wall mounted phone to request help.

Constabulary’s response –

New legislation over the last few years, particularly relating to Domestic Abuse has meant that our officers are now trained, equipped and supported with excellent powers that allow us to tackle criminality and focus on protecting those who are most vulnerable within our communities.

Furthermore, the powers that have been introduced to tackle ASB are now more simple, broader and more effective at providing better protection for victims and the communities that we serve.

Derbyshire Constabulary currently have four Enquiries Offices that are open to the public. These locations are balanced across the county taking into consideration demand and geography. The Enquiry Offices are located at Chesterfield, St Marys Wharf (Derby), Buxton and Peartree. We also have a number of other ways to contact the police, via our 101 routes or through our digital channels.

Q9. Who has replaced our neighbourhood PCSO since James Sanders has been promoted?

Constabulary’s response –

Details of the Long Eaton SNT can be found on our website, and we would encourage you to check this regularly for updates and changes. The PCSO supervisor for Long Eaton is Steve Bowlzer.

Q10. I have read that each village will have its own Police Contact, when will this happen?

Constabulary response –


Q11. Never seem to see Police need more presence to deter anti-social behaviour
Teenagers seem to be causing trouble in Staveley market place why are there no cameras in this area
When people do report something nothing seems to be done even if you do provide your details
Make parents pay for any repairs or to put things right is should be a deterrent seems that there is no deterrent for kids to stop doing what they do. Forget the we will talk to them it does not work.  Action is needed

Constabulary’s response –

ASB Patrols in this area and reassurance visits have been undertaken and will continue to take place with those premises affected.

Offenders have been identified and they will be arrested and interviewed for offences of Criminal Damage and Public Order. Local SNT are aware and continue to monitor calls for service.

We are working with our partners from Community Safety with regards to ABC’S, parenting orders and we discuss this issue at our fortnightly Section Tasking Meeting.

To confirm there are cameras on the Market Square, these are Council owned and managed by Town Centre CCTV.  The Police work closely with Businesses and the Local Authority to ensure that CCTV is utilised appropriately.


Q12. Can you please tell me what you be doing about people riding around on off road motorbikes in the park and on the streets and people parking on the pavements and blocking people getting passed

Constabulary’s response –

We are increasing our capacity to deal with off-road vehicles such as motorbikes by funding an increase in the force’s off-road vehicle fleet which will allow us to respond more effectively. Furthermore, we have a number of bespoke problem profiles across the force targeting off-road bikes, utilising our SNT’s and working with local partners.

The Problem Management Plans seek to identify and understand the issues so that an effective response can be utilised. This has resulted in a number of effective tactics employed to help deal with the issue of nuisance motorbikes.

We analyse incident data so that we are able to identify hot spot locations and times enabling us to patrol in the right location at the right time. We also use intelligence to identify offenders and take proactive action alongside working with our partners to provide targeted enforcement and education.

Q13. What is being done to curb the recent spate of motorcyclists using Shipley Country Park Bridleways as a racetrack?

Constabulary’s response –

At this time ASB motorbikes in Heanor/Langley Mill is a key local priority. A quick scan of the local team’s social media pages will show the efforts being put into this. We are seizing multiple motorcycles/quads for no insurance and dealing with the riders as necessary.

The SNT will also utilise patrolling on their push bikes as a further tactic. We have also visited a number of young persons regarding riding off-road motorbikes and informed them that if they continue, we will seize their bikes and they will be dealt with through the appropriate channels.

Speeding and Racing Vehicles

Overview of the Constabulary’s work in these areas

Speeding – It is well-evidenced that excessive speeds lead to more road collisions and as such, tackling this issue is a priority for Derbyshire Police. All community concerns over speeding are assessed with many in the first instance being allocated to our local Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT) for action. This allows local teams to promptly work with the community, as together, they have a good understanding of the area and its priorities. Low level enforcement tactics can be used, which can include setting-up local community speed watch schemes or local speed check sites where officers can collect and measure data.

If the SNT concludes that there is an elevated risk to the public from speeding, this information is then escalated to the force’s Casualty Reduction Enforcement Support Team (CREST) and our Roads Policing Unit (RPU).  They will assess the information further and will consider if additional resources need to be allocated to help tackle the problem or if specific road safety initiatives should be implemented.  This could involve a mobile police van or police motorbike enforcement, use of Operation SafeDrive, speed surveys (conducted by Derbyshire County Council – DCC), new road signs (responsibility of DCC) or additional traffic calming measures e.g., speed humps, chicanes, Visual Aid Signs (these are the responsibility of DCC) etc. CREST will not routinely enforce at locations where there are existing traffic calming measures in place, such as schools, unless other data or information suggests the site is a high risk. 

Noise Nuisance – Responsibility for addressing noise complaints primarily sits with local authorities, however where there are significant problems, police Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT) across Derbyshire will work alongside dedicated Local Authority officers to respond to public concerns. In addition, as in previous years, the force’s Roads Policing and CREST teams will be dedicating some of their time this year to targeting areas which tend to suffer from speeding motorbikes and the excessive noise that they can sometimes generate. Through recently agreed funding from the Derby & Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership, dedicated officers will be out and about across the county, between Spring to Autumn, looking for noisy, speeding bikes.                                                                                                                                                     

Q14. When is speeding in rural communities going to be tackled
When is ASB including repeated graffiti in the ashbourne Tissington trail tunnel going to be addressed?

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Dales currently has speeding as an SNT priority in a number of beat areas and there are a number of Community Speedwatch teams that work with the local SNT to support this priority. All community concerns over speeding are assessed with many in the first instance being allocated to our local Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT) for action. This allows local teams to promptly work with the community, as together, they have a good understanding of the area and its priorities. Low level enforcement tactics can be used, which can include setting-up local community speed watch schemes or local speed check sites where officers can collect and measure data.

The local SNT are aware of the graffiti at the Tissington Trail and arrangements have been made to have it removed.

Q15. 1. When will the police really deal with young men driving cars in a way that can be classified as anti-social along St. Chad’s Road in Derby (DE23 6TB)? The problem is always exacerbated on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and also when there is a wedding at the Spot Nightclub at Sacheveral Street. These young males drive at extremely dangerous speeds in a 30 mph zone and drive very noisy cars that have been adapted for the purpose of creating as much noise and attention as possible. Residents along Chad’s Road have disturbed sleep (after which they have to go to work) and as I have stated before- someone will be killed as a result of this anti-social driving. I have taken numbers and on the Govt website it states that some of these cars are untaxed, therefore uninsured. They are a menace to society.  Please, can someone do something?

 2. There is also a big problem of drug dealing/ growing (you can smell the crops) around the St Chad’s/ Gordon Road areas. The dealing takes place especially at night, but also openly during the day from types of cars described above. Again- I wish that something can be done.

Constabulary’s response –

From speaking to Local Policing Inspectors, it appears that not all ASB is being reported to the police, so we will be encouraging people to do so in our multi-agency media releases.

We will look at an operation to tackle the concerns that have been raised in this question both in relation to the noisy vehicles and drug dealing. We will make sure that our Roads Policing Team are now made aware of the issues that have been highlighted. If vehicles are not taxed or insured, we are able to use Automatic Number Plate Recognition technology (ANPR) that will identify drivers and vehicles committing offences.

Q16. Why is a road with 4 schools on it allowed to be used as a race track every day not got speed bumps, St. Andrews view derby

Constabulary’s response –

With regard to speeding vehicles on St Andrew’s View, this isn’t an issue that appears to have been reported to the police previously. The question has been shared with the local SNT responsible for this area. Furthermore, we will put a request into our Casualty Reduction Enforcement Team (CREST) to assess the information further and consider if additional resources need to be allocated to help tackle the problem or if specific road safety initiatives should be implemented.

The implementation of speed humps or other speed calming measures are the responsibility of the Local Authority. There will need to be very clear justification on grounds of road safety for speed humps to be introduced.

Q17. How are you addressing anti-social motorists in our town.  Roads are unpoliced, excessive noise from illegal exhausts, speeding, drug/drink driving are common.

Constabulary’s response –


Q18. ASB comes in all forms, what are the Roads Traffic Police doing about motor vehicles of all types acting in an anti-social way on the roads of Derbyshire.

Constabulary’s response –

ASB on our roads encompasses a number of motoring offences such as dangerous/anti-social/aggressive driving, no insurance, cyclists going through red lights, breaches of HGV weight limits and defective vehicles to highlight just a few. Whilst all of our officers are trained and able to deal with such offences, our Roads Policing Unit prioritise road safety and tackling motoring offences be it through education or enforcement as required. We are also increasing our capacity to deal with off-road vehicles such as motorbikes by funding an increase in the force’s off-road vehicle fleet.


Constabulary’s response –


Q20. Vehicle speed is an indirect cause of neighbourhood crime and is itself antisocial behaviour.

In 2020, the UK ratified the United Nations and World Health Organisation’s 2020 Stockholm Declaration on road safety. This states governments will “focus on speed management, including the strengthening of law enforcement to prevent speeding and mandate a maximum road travel speed of 30 km/h [20mph] in areas where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix in a frequent and planned manner, except where strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe.”

In line with this declaration, many other cities and regions of the UK- including, recently, Birmingham- have begun implementing wide-area 20mph limits supported by signage, education and enforcement and without hard engineering measures such as speed humps and chicanes.

Reducing vehicle speed is a key measure in the Healthy Streets approach to community building ( This approach recognises that it is impossible to build strong, resilient, low-crime communities when people find their home’s environment unattractive and frightening due to vehicle noise, pollution and the risk of being injured. The Living Streets organisation also recognises that wide-area 20mph limits on residential streets, high streets and main roads where many people live, work, shop and play are necessary to build strong communities and encourage active travel (

Vehicle speeds above 20mph in spaces where people walk, play, work and live have been shown time and again to be unacceptably dangerous, noisy and polluting.

This makes it reasonable to say that speeds above 20mph should be considered antisocial behaviour. This applies whatever the legal speed limit: Driving at 30mph in a residential street may be currently legal, but it still causes harm.

We need to change the narrative that allows drivers to choose their own vehicle speed based on how fast they want to go and recognise that default 30mph limits are not fit for purpose.

Public police support for reduced speed limits should be an important step in that process.

We ask the Derbyshire Constabulary to reconsider their opposition to wide-area 20mph limits, recognising that 30mph limits are not compatible with efforts to protect and strengthen our communities.

We ask the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner to commit to supporting wide-area 20mph limits where people live, work, play and shop to strengthen neighbourhoods, reduce crime and protect vulnerable people including children, older people and disabled people.

UN and WHO 2020 Stockholm Declaration on Road Safety:
Ratification of the Stockholm Declaration on Road Safety:
Healthy Streets approach:
Living Streets approach:

Constabulary’s response –

The setting of local speed limits is completed by the Local Highway Authority with the Police being one of the statutory consultees as laid out in the DfT circular 01/2013, Setting Local speed Limits.

In relation to the 20 Plenty, there are currently two forms of 20’s, these are:

  • 20mph speed limits
  • 20mph zones

The difference is that whilst a limit is just indicated by means of the appropriate signage on the road there is nothing else to indicate that the road is in fact subject to a 20mph limit.

20mph zones must have the appropriate signage and also traffic calming engineering solutions built into the zone. These take the form of speed humps or speed reduction tables, build outs and chicanes.

The ultimate goal of either is to achieve compliance with the speed limit. Clearly the idea of a 20 zone gains better compliance then a limit, where the only way to achieve compliance is to use enforcement.

When considering the lowering of existing speed limits there are factors which we have to take into consideration.  DfT circular 2013 does mention that:

“Speed limits should be evidence-led and self-explaining and seek to reinforce people’s assessment of what is a safe speed to travel. They should encourage self-compliance”

It goes on to say:

“To achieve compliance there should be no expectation on the police to provide additional enforcement beyond routine activity, unless this has been explicitly agreed”, paragraph 85

“Evidence from successful 20mph schemes shows that the introduction of 20mph Zones generally reduces mean speed by more than is the case when a signed only 20mph Limit is introduced” paragraph 86

Therefore, if a road has the appearance that it can be driven at a higher speed limit than is posted, then unless engineering is in place to reduce the speed the likelihood is that motorists will exceed the speed limit and extra enforcement will be required.

Not all roads in the county are applicable for a 20-mph speed limit,  but we do currently have approximately 180 20mph speed limits or zones throughout the county with being considered.

In relation to having 20 ZONES in residential areas and shopping areas, if these are engineered correctly to physically slow vehicles down to gain compliance then we would be in favour of these, as they not only promote road safety but also enhance an area to make it more appealing to pedestrians, whilst assisting in the lowering of emissions.

The fact that a lower speed limit will result in fewer collisions is an undisputable fact.

Electric Scooters and Cyclists

Overview of Constabulary’s work in these areas

CyclistDerbyshire police supports Operation Close Pass which is a national operation to support vulnerable road users such as cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders. It seeks to educate people to be more aware of the space required by these groups on the road.

The force also runs a separate campaign specifically around those on two wheels. A recent change in the Highway Code has created a hierarchy of road users and this puts cyclists towards the top of that list. 

In terms of making High Vis clothing a legal requirement for cyclists that would be for the Government to decide upon, but wearing the correct clothing and visibility is a key message we promote during our campaigns including the wearing of helmets for cyclists.

Since 2019 Derbyshire Police have run Operation Capture which allows members of the public to directly upload dash cam or other footage, to the police, of dangerous or inconsiderate driving. This is open to everyone including cyclists. A recent change in how we operate this scheme means that all submitters will now receive an update on their submission. It isn’t always possible though to keep everyone updated with all the final outcomes but please be reassured that every submission is acted upon.            

E-Scooters – The widespread use of E-Scooters is becoming ever more popular, not just in Derbyshire but across the country.  The sale, purchase and ownership of E-Scooters is not illegal in the UK and currently the law does not require the registration of such items. They can, legally however only be used on private land and not on the highway but there are many petitions circulating including from retailers to make their use legal.  There are currently Government led, legal trials of rental E-Scooters taking place in many major cities across the UK, Derby being one of those places. The trial was due to come to an end but has been extended by the Government until November 2022. This is in order for them to have the best possible data set available for review.

E-Scooters generally and the law surrounding them have been discussed widely and are still being discussed at Government level. Many see them as revolutionising the way we travel and see huge benefits in terms of both pollution and congestion and they may well feature in the Governments plans to reduce carbon emissions. Others see them as a danger and many Insurance companies are publicly reporting a rise in incidents. Thankfully in Derbyshire we have seen very few injuries caused relating to their use but we accept that one injury is one too many.  We are anticipating new laws surrounding the use of E-Scooters but until then there are laws that cover them.

E-Scooters are classed as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEV’s) and are covered under legislation which puts them into the same category as any motor vehicle. To be able to use one on a road legally you would need a driving licence and insurance. The reality of this is that there is not currently any insurance company that could legally insure anyone to use an E-Scooter on a road outside of the Government trials taking place which would make it impossible to legally use a privately purchased E-Scooter on a road. This may of course change with any new legislation.

Under Section 165 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, privately owned E-Scooters can be seized if used on public roads, which includes cycle lanes and pavements and disposed of with the owner receiving a fine. Since the beginning of 2021 we have held a detailed database to monitor the issues arising from the use of E-Scooters in Derbyshire which includes many seized scooters and prosecutions for driving offences,  demonstrating that we take positive action when the opportunity arises. We have worked with retailers to have appropriate signage in stores and on their web pages warning people of the limitations on use. We also run media campaigns around their illegal use.

If you are aware of a specific issue in your area you can contact your local safer Neighbourhood team who will look to tackle this but please rest assured the wider use of these scooters is a hot topic around the country and we will continue to monitor and take positive action whenever we can.    


Q21. What are you doing to tackle the illegal use of electric scooters? In Sandiacre they’re being used on the roads, pavements, through the parks, sometimes it’s children but a significant number are being ridden by adults.

Constabulary’s response –

As with other motoring offences, these are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Officers will, where appropriate, seize E-scooters and such like under s165 RTA (no insurance, driving otherwise than in accordance etc.). The team at Long Eaton have seized E-scooters, however education and pushing the message out around the legalities is still part of our work as many people remain unaware of the potential seriousness or impact of riding them on the roads. This education has been done at a force level through social media and locally during engagement events.

It is also worth noting that the problem management plan that was owned by Long Eaton SNT for ASB in and around Doncaster Avenue recreation ground in the centre of Sandiacre recently won the first force Problem Solving Award.

If a specific issue with E-scooters is becoming problematic and there is feedback from the community in that regard, then it will be addressed.  There remains a national debate around whether E-scooters should remain illegal for use on public roads (as they essentially are given the requirements for insurance, MOT etc.) or whether the Government should look at further legislation to regulate their use in a way similar to ongoing national rental trials.

Q22. We see a neighbour out and about on an electric disability buggy, he is not disabled, it belongs to his landlord. Can any thing be done to stop people like him abusing peoples goodwill?

Constabulary’s response –

Without further context and information, it is difficult to provide a response, but if the mode of transport in question was being used in an antisocial manner, then our SNT officers would look to address this through engagement and education.

Q23. off road motor bikes Litton Drive Spondon reported on a number of time and getting worse we need better response from local police I no locals have reported and still ongoing lads are breaking the law they don’t care

Constabulary’s response –

We are currently addressing these issues, jointly with the local council and Derby Homes. We have had two weeks of proactive patrols in which we have seen bikes seized, people reported for offences and a 30% drop in ASB/motorbike reports. Derby Homes have also been issuing letters to tenants in the area in respect of their expectations of residents. A dispersal zone has also been put in place.

We are continuing investigations and evidence gathering over the coming weeks and working with the council who are also looking at pro-active/diversionary opportunities.

Q24. At Weekends we are having trial bikes with youngsters doing wheelies on the road behind our houses. There is about 6 t0 8 of them and they are very noisy. Can they be talked to and stopped putting lives at risk.

Constabulary’s response –


Q25. We live in an area with a lot of cycle traffic.   Unfortunately many cyclists will not ride on the roads, but cycle on the pavements, often at speed.  This is obviously putting the safety of pedestrians at risk, but also inviting an accident, when cyclists pass driveways, again often at speed, and giving anybody trying to exit their driveway, little chance to take evasive action.  This also includes stepping out from properties onto pavements, with the risk of being hit by a cyclist.
On numerous occasions, we have witnessed Police cars driving past these cyclists, and Officers turning a blind eye to this offence, why!  Also there are at least two electric scooters, with the riders behaving in the same way, on the pavements. 
It would be helpful if the Police took some sort of action, to discourage this behaviour, rather than ignoring it.

Constabulary’s response –


Q26. What are you doing to resolve the issues around scooters – both manual and electric? The electric ones are illegal to use off private land, but I’ve seen a few around the village on roads, and I’ve seen kids on the roads with no helmets etc.

Constabulary’s response –


General ASB

Overview of Constabulary’s work in these areas

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is a force priority within Derbyshire Constabulary and features within the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan and the Constabulary’s Delivery Plan. Effectively identifying, managing and preventing ASB is a focus for the force and is supported through an embedded governance structure and a number of key workstreams to ensure that the constabulary is in a strong position to tackle Neighbourhood Crime and ASB.

ASB sits within Derbyshire Police’s daily tasking which highlights hotspots, vulnerability and repeat victims, again supporting broader understanding of the reported incident. Repeat victims of ASB are identified through a review of the incidents, the tasking process and data checks. Throughout the initial call, control room operators use the threat risk and harm model which aims to draw out information around repeat victims, locations, and vulnerability.

Problem solving training has been delivered force wide and to our community safety partners. This has professionalised our approach to how we tackle issues through identifying, recording, and working with partners to respond to incidents, ensuring evaluation is carried out to better understand what works and capture learning across the force, ensuring that we are obtaining value for money whilst investing in interventions that provide the best outcomes.  

Alongside taking a problem-solving approach to ASB, the use of Problem Management Plans across the SNT’s which are recorded on our intelligence system help to formulise our response, increase consistency and allow our officers and staff to track offenders and understand where the ASB hotspots are. This approach is further supported through the use of ASB data, local ownership and weekly meetings which ensures that our resources are targeted in those places with the highest risk and threat.

To further support our commitment to ASB in Derbyshire, our officers have received additional vulnerability training along with renewed principles relating to PCSO engagement and visibility. Our SNT’s have clear priorities set and we have seen an uplift of neighbourhood investigation officers across the force increasing the investigative capacity available to our SNT’s.

Q27. Over the last few months we seem to be getting more youth bad behaviour around the glossop area. Why is this?

Constabulary’s response –

To manage the increase in reports of ASB in Glossop town centre a Problem Management Plan (PMP) was created at the beginning of December 2021.  As part of the PMP, scanning has been done scrutinising Police systems in addition to surveys and information gathering from residents and shops.  Enabling us to identify the core issues.

A patrol strategy was compiled pinpointing the dates and times most incidents were occurring.

During these times SNT officers have been directed to patrol the locality giving an increased uniform presence, offering reassurance for the retail units, residents and public frequenting the area.  This has also allowed us to engage with young people in the area.

Joint working has also taken place with British Transport Police (BTP) who have conducted high visibility patrols with local officers as some of those displaying ASB  were using the trains to travel between local stations.  SNT have also been patrolling the area with teachers and the Fire Service whilst the Youth Engagement Team have carried out work in local schools.

The majority of incidents were found to have been committed by a small group of individuals.  These young people have been visited by the Youth Engagement Team where they have been spoken to in their parents’ presence.  ASB letters have been issued and a number have signed Acceptable Behaviour Contract’s (ABC’s). 

The same team have also attended joint agency meetings to discuss the young people involved and enlisted the help of Youth Offending Team. Local PCSO’s have also been attending and engaging with the children at local youth clubs in order to build rapport with them.

Where criminal offences have been committed robust action has been taken, with arrests being made. For some of the core offenders bail conditions have been utilised and on a recent review of the PMP the number of ASB incidents has currently decreased.

Visits have been made to the retail units where a vast majority of the calls for service have come from and the feedback from members of the public who stated they feel that the increased presence and proactive approach from the police has driven down the number of incidents.

The PMP continues to be monitored and a proactive approach is being maintained in dealing with those responsible for the Anti-Social Behaviour. 

Q28. We reside on a small private housing development around 1KM from the nearest main park. During the last 12 months, we have noticed a dramatic increase in ASB on our outdoor play area, and nature areas. We have suffered criminal damage, graffiti, verbal abuse and vandalism from children not resident on the development. As this is a private development, it is the residents who are liable to pay for this damage.
How is the Chief Constable ensuring ASB is being prevented, and not simply moved from one area to another? What measures are being put in place to monitor the movements of known perpetrators of ASB once moved on from targeted areas, and how is the Chief constable protecting the smaller private development such as ours? Unlike the larger public parks, we do not have the luxury of police patrols.   

Constabulary’s response –


Q29. I am concerned about crime & anti-social behaviour which takes place often away from view. If I may give an example. On the old railway line at the end Elmton Close and nearby Model Walk I have witnessed in recent years up to the present the following. A rough sleeper, two fires, one being by the sleeper and another from a stolen motor bike. Over the years we have examples of fly tipping including one I have reported to Bolsover District Council but it’s still outstanding. Motorcycles riding along making excessive noise. Teenagers walking across fields and climbing over my garden wall, when approached I was met with a hostile response. Is this an area the police could either visit more often, or arrange for signage advising the public not to engage in these practices?

Constabulary’s response –

This question covers several issues which have happened over a number of years.  Where an individual is rough sleeping, this can be reported to the Local Authority or to rough sleeper charities. Fly tipping is dealt with by the Local Authority and that matter should also be directed to the Local Authority. If people are trespassing on land, then the landowner may choose to erect signs to warn people of that fact and ask them to leave, if they are met with hostility then they can report that to the police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency. If there are nuisance motorcycles, then please pass these details to the SNT who can target their patrols to tackle the issue.  We would encourage residents to report issues at the time and to speak to their SNT officers over any concerns that they have.

Q30. The main carpark in Alvaston. Does anyone monitor this carpark as on a weekly basis we have noise issues from cars idling with loud music emanating from these vehicles? Also, there is regular drug deals taking place. Is there any CCTV?

Constabulary’s response –

We regularly patrol the area due to youths gaining access to the roof of  local shops and have liaised with the shops and the landlords in regard to securing the access to the roofs to stop this happening. 

It was also established that two homeless people had been sleeping in a tent behind the shops.  One of these individuals was arrested for Failing to Appear (FTA), the other male was signposted to safe and sound where he has been helped to secure accommodation.

The local SNT have not been made aware of cars idling in the car park but will monitor this whilst carrying out patrols in the area. 

At this time due to technical issues it is not possible to fit CCTV in this location, however the Constabulary work closely with Local Authorities and Businesses to ensure that CCTV coverage is utilised effectively.

Q31. I understand ASB is one of the focus targets and that funding is available to assist groups to address the issue in their area. What, if any, checks are made to measure the benefits to communities resulting from the cash injection? And how can this learning be disseminated to other areas?

Constabulary’s response –


Q32. When Neighbourhood Crime and specifically ASB is so ‘visible’ in our communities today, the total lack of police presence to be able to target the lower-level behaviour seems to be the catalyst for more extreme behaviours in those groups of people that have no social or moral conscience. Whether it be the open abuse of alcohol and drugs in the city centre or the abundant rise in cannabis smoking that is present almost everywhere, it seems that the subject of neighbourhood crime and ASB is almost irrelevant as the ‘authorities’ seem to be blind to its impact on the community. What, if anything, can the Chief Constable do about this. It feels like we have gone too far along for anything meaningful to be applied!!!

Constabulary’s response –


Q33. How can a school be made to address the antisocial behaviour displayed by some of its students on the way to and from the school at the start and the end of the day?

Constabulary’s response –

This is difficult to answer without further context, however ASB should be reported to the police to enable action to be taken. If links were made to a school, then we would work with the school to deliver a joined-up approach to address the issue.

Q34. Can I seek assurance that the PCC and the CC are seeking to persuade the Home Secretary to review and increase the current derisory and low-impact tariffs handed down by the Magistrates and Crown Court for persistent offenders particularly with regard to ASB, drug-related crimes and serious traffic offences? Police Officers need to be whole-heartedly supported for the difficult job they do

Constabulary and Commissioners Response –

It is important to consider offender management with has the aim of trying to rehabilitate individuals, so they are less likely to offend in the future. The Constabulary’s role is to make sure that the law is enforced, and MP’s have the specific role of making the law therefore, I would encourage you to write to your local MP regarding the issues you have raised to seek their support.

Q35. More proactive policing with regards to drug driving and driving using a mobile phone.

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Police take drink and drug driving extremely seriously and respond both to intelligence received and live incidents reported to us. This is further supported by a number of local and national campaigns that are undertaken throughout the year.

Mobile Phones – Research has suggested that focus and reaction times can be reduced significantly when using a mobile phone for any purpose as the driver’s attention is away from the road and therefore increases the risk of collision.  Between 2017-2019 on average there were 380 mobile phone offences detected per year.  

The Force also utilises offences such as Driving Without Due Care and Attention and offences relating to being in proper control of the vehicle.  In recent years the number of vehicles now fitted with hands free, or Bluetooth facilities have increased dramatically and this has resulted in lower offence rates. 

Therefore, results have fluctuated for mobile phone use offences, in the last three years in Derbyshire there were 519 recorded offences and the offence rates for Due Care and not in proper control offences have increased as an alternative way to process distraction offences. 

We continue to run check sites across the County to improve road safety through the NPCC campaigns and Operation Tramline to target phone usage and help prevent collisions.

Q36. There was an initiative to fight anti social behaviour and £100,000 was allocated to tackle this, also that £5,000 was to be spent immediately, I would like to know the result of this initiative. If no results are available what were the metrics expected.

Response –

22 projects  funded – 12 were diversionary actives and 10 were security measures.

These grants started in December so we won’t have any full outcome data from these projects yet but we have started to get some midterm reports. These will be monitored through usual grant arrangements and we will be able in the future to report on outcomes.

Q37. There was an initiative to fight anti social behaviour and £100,000 was allocated to tackle this, also that £5,000 was to be spent immediately, I would like to know the result of this initiative. If no results are available what were the metrics expected.

Response –

22 projects  funded – 12 were diversionary actives and 10 were security measures.

These grants started in December so we won’t have any full outcome data from these projects yet but we have started to get some midterm reports. These will be monitored through usual grant arrangements and we will be able in the future to report on outcomes.

Other issues Raised

Q38. Should estate agents not take on DSS/HOUSING BENEFITS CLAIMANTS readily? Rather for the victims, fair opportunity to escape poverty and crime?

Constabulary’s response –


Q39. Why are the police absolutely hopeless and uninterested in tackling the massive increase in vehicle thefts in the area? People are losing faith in the police and I know of people taking matters into their own hands. I’ve never known policing to be as bad as it has become over the past 4 years.

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Police tackle Serious Acquisitive Crime (SAC) in a robust manner this includes vehicle crime. 

Burglary has a significant impact on victims, as such it one of the forces key priorities.  Force Leads in areas of SAC are responsible for ensuring a consistent and professional response to reports of SAC as well as monitoring our performance in relation to these offences.

Local Policing Inspectors are tasked via Performance meetings around trends, utilising Safer Neighbourhood Teams for follow up visits and prevention work. A proactive response is taken when an increase in thefts is identified. This includes targeted patrols and crime prevention work from the LPU and SNT officers, increased Roads Policing Unit presence and Detective resources allocated to investigations.

Q40. Following an incident of criminal damage at my home which was handled positively by the police i have been unable to recover the cost of repair from the person involved. This person has gone unpunished because it was classed as petty crime and has left me the victim to pay from my own pocket. If there is no consequence for their actions how do we expect to stop these incidents occurring. Is it down to finance or lack of manpower that more and more petty criminals are going unpunished? It should not be left to the victims of crime however minor to try to recoup the costs and the police should have more responsibility to ensure that these costs are covered.

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Police do not use any classifications such as ‘petty crime’. Our approach is to deliver a proportionate and professional investigation based on the circumstances presented. There are a number of disposals available for the police to use when resolving crime. These can range from out of court disposals to charges resulting in court appearances. Unfortunately, not all outcomes can result in compensation being applied.

Q41. In view of the amount of police officers that have been found guilty of both serious crime and of violating their policing policies, do you think there needs to be greater emphasis on improving the quality of recruitment within the force? Respect for the police, it would appear, is at an all time low and an improvement in policing standards would really help towards restoring the faith that has been significantly lost.

Constabulary’s response –

Our Professional Standards Department (PSD) assess and investigate any complaints or concerns regarding the behaviour of police officers and any identified Misconduct is dealt with proportionately and fairly. Any learning that is identified is relayed to individuals or organisationally.

Derbyshire have robust vetting processes in place that have stood up to scrutiny. Every new recruit, police officer, staff member and transferee are vetted prior to joining and this vetting is reviewed and health checked for specialist roles and responsibilities.

Vetting is an extremely important aspect of any recruitment process with Derbyshire Police, including internal recruitment and is always reviewed as part of any misconduct process. Derbyshire Police adhere to the National Vetting APP guidelines and as a result, vetting can be refused if appropriate or conditions applied to an employee. Derbyshire Vetting Unit are robust regarding their application of the Vetting APP, with regular reviews to ensure rejections are appropriate and proportionate.

Q42. On Saturday 16th April a man was found to be deliberately using forged £20 notes in Castleton, i.e. using them to buy low value items and then taking the change. The man was apprehended by members of the public and 2 off duty policeman. The off duty policemen elected to take no further action and asked the man to move on. My question is, “Is the manufacture and distribution of forged currency a criminal offence taken seriously by the Derbyshire Police Force, what is it doing to prevent this type of behaviour and why was nothing done in this case?

Constabulary’s response –

Having researched our systems, we do not have a record of any incidents having taken place involving Derbyshire off duty police officers. The area of Hope Valley is heavily populated with visitors and there’s every chance that the officers involved could be from another police force. It’s difficult to comment on this incident without any specific information to investigate. We would of course expect that we would deal with incidents of this nature in line with the guidance offered to our officers and can offer reassurance that all fraud offences are taken seriously by the Constabulary.

Q43. I would like to Know what is Happening about People Carrying Knives in the Normanton Area, Last Week i had to Contact the Police about a Very Sharp Knife Stuck in a Tree in the Street, I was just Advise to Dispose of it as it no Blood on it, Also there is a lot of People Taking Drugs and Hanging about on Derby Lane To Sell Them, also Spirit bottles of Alcohol on Streets and in Normanton Park , when we Did a Litter Pick 2 Weeks Ago, One was 63 per cent Proof on a Bottle of Rum.

Constabulary’s response –

Where information is received regarding individuals carrying knives we ensure we respond swiftly and often visit individuals at home rather than waiting for them to be sighted on the street.  They are challenged robustly regarding their behaviour to deter them from carrying knives reducing the risk to the public and to themselves.

The weekly Knife Crime tasking meeting, identifies individuals to be targeted and work to be undertaken to prevent these individuals from committing offences.  We also conduct regular knife sweeps of open spaces and green areas or on streets, this can often lead to us recovering stashed weapons that are secreted readily at hand for persons on the street.

If further details can be supplied regarding the knife found we will look into this further.

Where drug dealing is reported we aim to attend every location and will act on any information received.

PCSO’s deal with reports of street drinking, we work closely with Public Protection Officers from DCC who also assist us to tackle this problem. 

Q44. Reference NEDDC (Dog Management) Public Spaces Protection Order No.1 of 2020.
Will our police service provide an occasional presence, to remind dog owners of their responsibilities, in areas where this order is contravened. I have noticed particularly in Sindelfingen park (and around the children’s play area) that this order is contravened. I would suggest that many owners are not even aware of the order.

Constabulary’s response –

Clear signage should be displayed in areas where a PSPO is in place to serve as a reminder to members of the public. Contravention of orders relating to dog’s owners should be reported to the local authority and are not the responsibility of the police.

Q45. The cost of a police commissioner & staff. we do not need two leaders for the police force or the cost.

Response –

Police and Crime Commissioners are elected by the public to hold Chief Constables and the force to account, making the police answerable to the communities they serve and the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and the Policing Protocol Order 2011 sets out the role and responsibilities of Police and Crime Commissioners.

The website provides a wealth of information concerning Police and Crime Commissioners including background information as to why they were introduced. Please visit: Police and crime commissioners – GOV.UK (

Q46. Why are [Redacted], travellers or whatever they want to call themselves routinely allowed to break the law, local rules etc and yet we never hear of any punishment given to them.

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Police are aligned to an Operation which provides officers and staff with guidance on dealing with illegal encampments in line with national guidance. A partnership approach is also taken utilising the Local Authority.

Q47. If you are a victim of crimes who has endured many physical assaults and verbal abuse, all related to one individual. And then have other associates who are more favourable to support the abuser who had committed those crimes, who then have intent to retaliated their resentments with anti-social behaviours towards the victim.

What should the Police and local authorities provide towards the victim of a serious crime?
What should the Police and local authorities do to prevent further anti-social behaviours from those favourable associates of the perpetrator?

How do they safe guard the victim of abuse in their community, even after alerting the Police and local authorities by providing substantive historical evidence?
The Victim should not have to be referred to move from their home and should feel safe at home and their community.

The Victim should have better resources in representation of legal support and up to date guidance, especially if they have endured a serious crime, such as a hate crime!

Constabulary’s response –

Derbyshire Constabulary is committed to providing every member of the community with the highest possible standard of service.

Research has shown that investing time and resources of the police and other agencies to support victims of crime, anti-social and hate related incidents, in addition to the prosecution of offenders, will reduce future crime and incidents. We recognise that working together with our partners will help us to provide the best response and offer all round support to those who have been victim to such events. In all cases when an officer attends a crime or incident they must consider partnership working and supportive services that any partner agencies or other organisations could offer.

Derbyshire Constabulary utilise victim services who can offer bespoke advice and support on a range of matters. Details of this are discussed with victims of crime in relation to the services that are provided.

Furthermore, our Victim Care Unit endeavour to contact victims of crime to offer further support, guidance and signposting to other service providers.            


PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of legally required data and historic financial records, the majority of the information on the Derbyshire OPCC website covers information, news and events for the current Commissioner only. For access to news articles and information covering the previous Commissioners please contact the OPCC team.
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