Funding for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Support Services and the National ISVA and IDVA fund

For 2022/23, the Ministry of Justice confirmed that Police and Crime Commissioners will receive £27m ringfenced funding to recruit and retain 700 Independent Sexual Violence Advisors and Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (ISVAs/IDVAs) and £15.7m ringfenced funding for domestic abuse (DA) and sexual violence (SV) support services. The Ministry of Justice confirmed this funding will be delivered over a multi-year basis until the end of 2024/25.

It was announced at the 2021 Budget that Government would be increasing the number of ISVAs and IDVAs funded by the Ministry of Justice to over 1000 by 24/25. To reach this commitment, the Ministry of Justice will be requesting PCCs to recruit an additional 300 posts by 24/25.

In order to inform the funding allocations, the Ministry of Justice are asking Police and Crime Commissioners to complete a new needs assessment which will enable the Ministry of Justice to gain a more up to date picture of local need. Police and Crime Commissioners are required to make this funding opportunity available to existing commissioned services and frontline providers.

This Fund is now closed

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