Chief Operating Officer Expenses

Please note that all expenses need to be claimed retrospectively,  authorised for approval, submitted for payment and finally verified that the payment is in line with the claim before uploading to our website.


No expenses claimed to date.


No claims were made during this year


No claims were made during this year


17/01/2020MileageWest Mercia Police HQ Meeting£42.30
23/01/2020MileagePolice and Crime Panel Meeting£22.05


30/01/2019TrainPACCTS Meeting London£179.50
18/02/2019MileageChief Constable Meeting RE: Custody Suite£27.90
22/05/2019TrainPACCTS Meeting London£136.00
31/07/2019TrainPACCTS meeting in London£116.00
31/07/2019ParkingParking at Loughborough train station£12.00
08/10/2019TrainPACCTS meeting in London£179.50
08/10/2019TaxiPACCTS meeting in London£8.05
10/10/2019Mileage Joint PACCTS and APACE conference £4.50
11/10/2019MileageJoint PACCTS and APACE conference £4.50
09/12/2019TrainPolicing Vision Conference £179.50
09/12/2019TrainLondon Underground ticket£4.80
09/12/2019ParkingParking at Loughborough train station£12.00


Date CategoryDetailsClaimed
19/01/2018MileageMeeting at County Hall with P&PC members, Matlock£10.80
21/03/2018Train PACCTS meeting in London£174
22/03/2018MileagePolice and Crime Panel Meeting at County Hall Matlock£10.80
12/04/2018MileageMeeting at EMSOU£4.05
16/04/2018Train PACCTS meeting in London£174.00
07/06/2018Train/ ParkingVisit to Durham Constabulary £133.00
11/06/2018MileageOPCC CFO Meeting at Leicestershire HQ£12.15
9/08/2018Parking Derby City Council Meeting£3.10
30/08/2018MileageOPCC CFO Meeting at Leicestershire HQ£12.15
09/10/2018MileagePACCTS/APACE Conference £4.50
10/10/2018MileagePACCTS/APACE Conference £4.50
10/11/2018MileageROCU Meeting at Leicestershire HQ£12.15
21/11/2018TrainPACCTS Meeting London£174.00
27/11/2018MileageMeeting with County Council Director of Finance£10.80
11/12/2018MileageForensic Mkt Place Meeting£4.05


DateCategory Details Claimed
09/01/2017Mileage Chief Officer Meeting at Makeney Hall Hotel£1.80
10/01/2017Mileage OPE Steering Group Workshop at Town Hall, Ripley £0.90
12/01/2017Mileage OPE Steering Group Meeting at County Hall, Matlock£10.80
26/01/2017Mileage Police and Crime Panel Meeting at County Hall, Matlock£10.80
27/01/2017Mileage OPE Workshop at Derbyshire Dales DC, Matlock£10.80
03/03/2017Mileage Derbyshire Finance Officer Association at Derby City Council £0.90
16/03/2017Mileage DPR Pathway Visit at Brimington Road, Chesterfield £14.40
06/04/2017Parking Parking in Derby City Centre £4.10
28/04/2017Mileage Regional Resources Board at Nottingham County Hall£5.40
04/05/2017Mileage OPE Steering Group Meeting at County Hall, Matlock £10.80
24/05/2017TrainUnderground Ticket£4.80
24/05/2017Parking Station Parking £12.00
24/05/2017Train Train ticket from Loughborough to London £168.00
26/06/2017Mileage Policing Model Review Road Show at Palace Hotel Buxton £27.90
04/07/2017Mileage EM Regional CFO’s Meeting at Leicestershire HQ£11.70
13/07/2017Mileage Police and Crime Panel Meeting at County Hall Matlock£10.80
26/07/2017Train Return Rail fair from Loughborough to London£168.00
18/09/2017Mileage Meeting at Chesterfield Brough Council Offices £14.85
16/11/2017Mileage Police and Crime Panel Meeting at County Hall Matlock£10.80
14/12/2017MileageMeeting at County Hall with P&CP members Matlock£10.80

PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of legally required data and historic financial records, the majority of the information on the Derbyshire OPCC website covers information, news and events for the current Commissioner only. For access to news articles and information covering the previous Commissioners please contact the OPCC team.
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